Friday, December 31, 2010

year-end thanksgiving

It's been a few months since I wrote the last post. I don't want to end the year on that note, because God has provided for and blessed us in so many ways...
  • My husband loved his first semester of school. It's hard to share him with the books, but I'm so glad that he has found something that he thrives on.
  • God has blessed the company where he's now working, so he's put in a bit of overtime. 
  • At his quarterly evaluation, his supervisor told him that he would put in a word for a small raise. It's not much, but a raise is a raise-- and we were not expecting it.
  • His company also offers a health initiative which offers a bonus for maintaining a certain degree of physical health each quarter. He passed with flying colors-- and a nice check to show for it.
  • God provided some much-needed furniture for the baby at half the retail cost.
  • A kind woman at church blessed me with an unexpected gift specifically to purchase maternity clothing. 
I could go on... God's grace has no limits. We are so very grateful for all His blessings to us. Happy New Year, everyone!